On our way to climate neutrality

With, creativity, courage, commitment and collaboration, we are embarking on a journey to make our worldwide operations climate-neutral by 2030 – from cultivation and development through production and analysis to packaging and transportation.

Our promise applies not only to our group of companies based in more than 30 locations across four continents but also to our entire supply chain. This means that our climate-neutral business activities will begin on the fields where our more than 200 raw materials such as tea, peppermint, hibiscus, chamomile and fennel grow. Around half of our emissions originate here.

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"Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. We have therefore set ourselves the ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2030.”

Anne Wedel-Klein, CEO the nature network

Get set, go!

Our approach


The Group is calculating its overall corporate carbon footprint – that is, all emissions produced by its business operations, including its global supply chains. The final calculation should be available by the end of 2021, when it will be audited by an independent body. From 2022 onward, developments will be presented annually to make progress transparent.  


The top priority is to prevent greenhouse gases being emitted in the first place. For instance, the Group is avoiding business trips whenever digital communication suffices instead. It is also improving energy efficiency at its production plants, implementing energy-saving programs, and promoting environmentally-friendly transportation options.  


The Group will only compensate for greenhouse gas emissions that cannot be prevented or reduced. Most notably, it will play an active role in its own agricultural supply chains, with innovative concepts like compost management, building humus in the soil, and sustainable carbon sequestration. 

What we have already achieved


Several years ago we introduced an energy management system at our German sites, which helps us to find ways of saving energy and to implement them effectively.


Since the start of the year, all German sites in the nature network have been obtaining their electricity from renewable sources. We will gradually introduce this practice at our sites in other countries, too.


We have purchased electric cars for our company fleet and have installed charging stations at the German sites.


We have introduced Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees, as standard at our German sites. With every search query we make we are therefore helping important tree-planting projects. We are currently expanding this practice to all our sites around the globe.

Learn more:

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